Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka

Breast Cancer is now a very common and dangerous disease for women. So, having idea about the best breast cancer specialist is a must. In Dhaka, there are a lot of breast cancer specialist.To have an idea about the breast cancer specialist in Dhaka,you are offered to read the article.

Article Index ( Click on the topic that you want to read)

  1. Which doctor should we consult for breast cancer?
  2. What profession deals with breast cancer?
  3. What type of doctor treats the breast cancer?
  4. What is a breast specialist called?
  5. Who is a breast surgeon?
  6. Which hospital is best for breast cancer?
  7. How fast does breast cancer grow?
  8. What is the best way to diagnose breast cancer?
  9. What is oncologist doctor?
  10. How many fields are in the oncology study?
  11. What is the best medicine for breast pain?
  12. What's the difference between a breast surgeon and an oncologist?
  13. Is breast cancer curable?
  14. Who is the best breast doctor?
  15. What are the 3 common ways to treat cancer?
  16. What is a breast specialist doctor called?
  17. Is Stage 2 breast cancer curable?
  18. How do one choose a doctor to treat my cancer?
  19. At what stage of breast cancer the breast is removed?
  20. What food causes breast cancer?
  21. What food kills breast cancer cells?
  22. How do one prevent breast cancer from growing?
  23. What painkillers can one take for breast pain?
  24. How can I stop breast pain?
  25. What vitamins help in breast pain?
  26. What happens at oncology appointment?
  27. What is the latest treatment for breast cancer?
  28. What is breast cancer pain like?
  29. How long can you live with untreated breast cancer?
  30. Can you live 20 years with breast cancer?
  31. Provide a list about the best breast cancer specialist in Dhaka.

1.Which doctor should we consult for breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

General surgeon or surgical oncologist.

A general surgeon or surgical  oncologist should we consult for breast cancer.But any breast lump needs to be evaluated.

2.What profession deals with breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Breast Cancer Specialists.

A doctor who specializes in the surgical treatment of cancer.

3. What type of doctor treats the breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

  • Breast surgeon. 
  • Plastic surgeon.
  • Radiologist. 
  • Pathologist. 
  • Radiation oncologist.

4.What is a breast specialist called?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

A breast surgeon is a general surgeon with a specific interest in treating patients with breast disease.

5.Who is a breast surgeon?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

A doctor who specializes in the surgical removal of breast tumors and lymph nodes while saving as much of the breast as possible.

6.Which hospital is best for breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

  • MD Anderson Cancer Center. 
  • Aurora Fierro 
  • Getty Images. 
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,A non profit organization,New York City.
  • Mayo Clinic. 
  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 
  • Cleveland Clinic. 
  • Johns Hopkins Hospital. 
  • Northwestern Memorial Hospital. 
  • UCLA Medical Center.

7.How fast does breast cancer grow?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Robert W. Franz , A breast Cancer Specialist,Cancer Research Center at Providence Portland Medical Center describe that breast cancer cells need to divide at least 30 times before they are detectable by physical exam. Each division takes about 1 to 2 months, and so a detectable tumor has likely been growing in the body for 2 to 5 years.

8.What is the best way to diagnose breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Screening Mammography.
 A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of the breast. This is the best test to screen for breast cancer. A screening mammogram consists of two "pictures" of each breast and it's an easy way to diagnose the breast cancer.

9.What is oncologist doctor?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.
Oncology is the study of cancer. An oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer and provides medical care for a person diagnosed with cancer. An oncologist may also be called a cancer specialist. 
10. How many fields are in the oncology study?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

The field of oncology has 3 major areas based on treatments. Those are -medical oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology.

11.What is the best medicine for breast pain?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

OTC medications.
To relieve the pain, one can take OTC medications, such as acetaminophen (paracetamol, Tylenol) or ibuprofen.One should wear a soft-support bra during sleep.At the time of  exercising,one should wear a good sports bra.

12.What's the difference between a breast surgeon and an oncologist?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

There are some differences between a breast surgeon and an oncologist.
A general surgeon: A general surgeon may do a range of cancer surgeries along with non-cancer-related procedures.
 A Surgical oncologist: A surgical oncologist has completed additional training in the treatment of cancer patients and concentrates his or her practice specifically in cancer surgery.

13.Is breast cancer curable?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Yes, breast Cancer is curable if it can be diagnosed in the primary stage.
Fortunately, breast cancer is very treatable if one spot it early. Localized cancer which mean it is in primary stage and can be curable if sufficient steps can be taken towards the disease.

14.Who is the best breast doctor?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Dr. Kapil Kumar.
Widely regarded as one of the finest breast cancer specialist in India, Dr Kapil Kumar has earned his reputation through his excellent practice over the last 30 years. He sits in Fortis Hospital in Shalimar Bagh as the director and Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurgaon as the HOD .
15.What are the 3 common ways to treat cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

The most common treatments to treat cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

16.What is a breast specialist doctor called?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

A breast surgeon is basically a general surgeon with a specific interest in treating patients with breast disease.

17.Is Stage 2 breast cancer curable?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Yes. Stage 2 breast cancer is also curable.
Stage 2 breast cancer is very treatable and the overall outlook is good. As with most types of cancer, the earlier your cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome.

18.How do one choose a doctor to treat my cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

To find an oncologist, first of all one should start by asking the primary care physician or family doctor. One can also call for a health insurance company or nearby hospitals. Sometimes, patient advocacy groups are a source for specialists in a specific field.

19.At what stage of breast cancer the breast is removed?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.
Surgery for stage three and stage four cancer.
Generally,Surgery for stage three and  cancer for stage four  requires removing the entire breast and nearby tissue affected by the cancer.

20.What food causes breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Processed meats,fried foods etc.
Research shows that a diet high in fried foods may significantly increase the risk of breast cancer. Indeed, in a study in 620 Iranian women, fried food intake was the largest risk factor for breast cancer development.
Processed meats like bacon and sausage may raise the risk of breast cancer.

21.What food kills breast cancer cells?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.
There are some food that are very beneficiary for breast cancer as they destroyed the cells of breast cancer. Those are -
  • Top Cancer-Fighting Foods
  • Folate-Rich Foods.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Tea.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables.
  • Curcumin.
  • Ginger
22.How do one prevent breast cancer from growing?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

One can prevent breast cancer from growing by-
  • Limiting alcohol: The more alcohol one drink, the greater one's risk of developing breast cancer. So,one must limit taking alcohol to prevent breast cancer.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight: If one's weight is healthy,he should try to work to maintain that weight. That will be very helpful to prevent breast cancer.
  • Being physically active: To prevent breast cancer,one should be physically very active.
  • By Breast-feeding: Breast feeding is also a very effective way to prevent breast cancer.
  • Limiting postmenopausal hormone therapy: Limitation of postmenopausal hormone therapy is also important to prevent breast cancer.
23.What painkillers can one take for breast pain?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

One should take the prescribed medicine by the doctor to reduce the pain of the breast. By the way,some common painkillers are
-acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil,Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve), to relieve pain and swelling.

24.How can I stop breast pain?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.
Steps in can take to minimize sore breasts include:
  • Eliminate caffeine.
  • Eat a low-fat diet.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
  • Ask  doctor if switching birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy medications may help.
25.What vitamins help in breast pain?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.
Vitamin B6 and vitamin E.

 Both vitamins have been shown to help reduce breast pain. Vitamin E also protects your breasts from free radical damage that can destroy cells.

26.What happens at oncology appointment?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Help to reduce the chance of breast cancer.
The appointment helps your cancer doctor or nurse notice any possible problems early. They may examine you and do some simple tests, like taking a blood sample. They will usually ask questions about your recovery and any side effects or symptoms you have.

27.What is the latest treatment for breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

The drug that called abemaciclib , brand name Verzenio , is now approved for patients with the HR+, HER2 early breast cancer, which makes up 70% of all breast cancers. The drug was already approved for advanced, or metastatic, breast cancer.

28.What is breast cancer pain like?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Breast cancer can cause changes in skin cells that lead to feelings of pain, tenderness, and discomfort in the breast. But, often breast cancer is painless, it is important not to ignore any signs or symptoms that could be due to breast cancer. Some people may describe the pain as a burning sensation but this neglection can lead a long term suffer for a person.

29.How long can you live with untreated breast cancer?Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Median survival time of the 250 patients followed to death was 2.7 years. Actuarial 5- and 10-year survival rates for these patients with untreated breast cancer was 18.4% and 3.6% accordingly.For the amalgamated 1,022 patients, median survival time was 2.3 years.

30.Can you live 20 years with breast cancer? Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

Yes,can live after the treatment of breast cancer.
Since the hazard rate associated with inflammatory breast cancer shows a sharp peak within the first 2 years and a rapid reduction in risk in subsequent years, it is highly likely that the great majority of patients alive 20 years after diagnosis are cured.

31. Provide a list about the best breast cancer specialist in Dhaka.Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.

A list of breast cancer specialist in Dhaka is given below-

1.Dr. Raihana Awal Sumi
MBBS, FCPS ( Surgery ), FRCS ( EDIN ),MS( Plastic Surgery )
Gynecology & Obstetrics
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Chamber: Ibn Sina Medical Imaging Center
House # 58, Road #2/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8610420, 9663289, 8628118, 8618262, 8610420

2.Professor Dr. Nishat Begum
MBBS, FCPS, Fellowship in Breast Cancer (India)
General Surgeon
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
Chamber: Green Life Hospital Limited
32 Green Road ( Biruttom K. M Shafiullah Sarak ), Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205
Phone :+880-2-8628820-1, 9612345

Breast Cancer Specialist in Dhaka

Phone # 9660015-19, 8624514-9

Availability : except Friday, Saturday and Govt. Holidays [ 3:30 to 5:30 PM ]

9.Dr. Md. Mohiuddin

MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (General Surgery)

General, Leparoscopic and Breast Surgeon


General Hospital, Narayanganj

Mobile: 01715-48 56 24

Chamber: New Health care Diagnostic and Consultation Center

31 B B Road, Hazi Eyakub Ali Mansion (1st Floor) Mondol Para, Narayanganj

Mobile: 01789-10 00 77

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